Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Brief One...

Have you ever come to the point where you will cry thinking about your future?
Perhaps no... but today, I did...

Tears just came down and I just cant hold it back when I start to think about my future. My dreams and plans suddenly all seem to be so vague... it cant even be reached for the near 3 years.. not even the simplest one -- my master degree...

Study loan need to be paid... bills need to be paid... car need to be taking care of... mum need to be made happy.. and etc...

Sometimes, things just fell apart without you knowing..
God bless..

1 comment:

mohd yuszren yusak said...

Shin, been there done that..well sort of,I know it's easier to say something than doing it, but at the end it will always be fine..I mean look at you guys now, last year you guys were like struggling for that final year projects and all the exams,but look at you guys now...maybe plans are meant to be vague ya?speaking of which let me check my plans first....