Thursday, July 16, 2009

Moody moody...

Waking up in the morning with a cloudy mood in my head -- Keep asking myself why is it so hard to get over what people said or commented about you. Sometimes, when people said something to you and it's funny and make others luagh -- I would consider it as a joke! But when you said something to a person and the others not even dare to say a word or they just laugh within themselves -- Shouldnt that sounds more like an insult or what I say "stupid" f***ing joke?

Okay --- actually I woke up around 4am... Dont know what to do, so I went online, the connection was slow so I decided to do my laundry. It took me around 15 minutes with it then I though I can get back to sleep -- I CANT FALL ASLEEP! Tossing around from left to right and to left again, but my mind just seemed so blur and I just couldnt sleep till 6.15am when I started to feel sleepy again :S
Try texting but guess the person was sleeping soundly too as there's no reply -- or maybe my text message no longer wake that person up anymore..
What a miserable morning I had -- but it shouldnt stop me from having a great day ahead :)

Lately I had been thinking about getting a job as soon as possible that it made me stress up again :S It's just so hard to get a single reply from those vacancies that you are interested in... God bless me and I really do need a lot of moral support and motivation from people and things around me... gotten kinda sensitive lately due to this -- trying to get my mind free every weekend. Hope no one will piss me off during this difficult time around -- if I could put on a smiley face and you still piss me off -- OMG, I couldnt imagine what will come out from my mouth or I wont even talk to that person already...

K.D, I tengah bengang nie!!! Camne nie...?? Bila nak gi gila gila ngan Shin nie? I nak ambik gambar banyak banyak la.. :S

Kwan Wai Pang -- I tell you ar, you better book your ticket next week to come over KL, or else ... hehehehe...

Need to start work d... gambate to myself and hope the day ahead is promising enough and brings happiness.. :)

Shin :)

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