Tuesday, December 16, 2008

No No No... You shouldnt do that!

Today, let me make a list of things which I found inappropriate to do in public :P

In The Public:
  • When in the LRT a.k.a train, you shouldnt lean against any places that other passangers might need to hold on to. What are you thinking? You think you own this train?! Go buy your own if you wanted to do so...
  • You shouldn't open your mouth big when yawning... unless if you produce rose or jasmine like breath! If not, please shut your mouth -- it stinks!!
  • When in the train, can please stop moving so much. Why? You make others uncomfortable by keep on banging them here and there.
  • You dont have to talk so loud when you are in the lift! Everyone can hear you already what you are gossiping about.. duh
  • Were you blind or you just dont understand the sign board? When using the escalator, please stand on the left hand side only! The right hand side is for people to cut through just in case when they are in a hurry. I just couldnt understand why you have to be such a not-intelligent and no-common sense kind of person... duh
  • Your gf or bf wont get lost if you just let go your hand a while when in the train. Stop grabbing her butts too, if you insist to, please do it secretly without us nitocing your fat hand doing so. I once saw this girl was sitting and hugging her bf's leg while he was standing, and I was thinking, was she sick? Haih...
  • Stand up already when you see a pregnant lady in the train. I cant believe your heart is cold enough to ler her stand for 9 stops. Wait till yourself got pregnant next time then you'll know the pain!
  • Stop talking shit in the public! Vulgar words are just so toxic when you started to say it happily in the public. The ears are burning ya know! Where's the manners that you learnt before or, did you learnt any??
Oh... I'm tired of all these already and my head is spinning when thinking of all these silly human being.. haha... I am just so cruel tonight! Haha... C ya guys later... be back in a flash (I'll go have my dinner :P)

Shin :P

1 comment:

mohd yuszren yusak said...

Wah!...Shin Khai that I knew of is a fancy career women now..
Interesting rants,keep on posting..the key is consistency. And that keeps us sane.