Sunday, December 28, 2008

Movie Day!

I guess today is the day I watched most movies in my life.. Haha.. Non-stop from afternoon till now while I was skipping, painting, eating, drinking and even blogging :P

Now I am waiting Sherk 3 to start on HBO. Let me list down the movies and also my rating for them :)
  1. Transformer -- GREAT!
  2. Good Luck Chuck -- Nice Romance
  3. Romeo & Juliet -- This is the 90's version, not that good.. but Leonardo simply looks cute (the younger version)
  4. Great Expectations -- This is the modern version and it still as great as the novel :)
  5. Batman Returns -- BAD but loves Cat Woman
  6. Spiderman 3 -- WOW!
  7. Lethal Weapon -- Erm... Old movie.. so so :P
  8. Men In Black -- Interesting
Ok.. those are the movies I can remembered. I watch them before this but for some of them, they still give the same great feelings to me even after I watched them for so many times :)

There are some movies I am looking forward to watch:
  1. Bedtime Stories
  2. Four Christmases
  3. No Reservation
  4. The Spirit
  5. Madagascar 2
  6. Ice Age 3
Erm... sis was asking me to buy the second hand MyVi that her friend is selling. I'm still weary about it. Hope everything will be ok... :)

Shin :P -- I need to concentrate watching Sherk the Third now :)

1 comment:

mohd yuszren yusak said...

Hi..DHL lady I'm coming down next week make sure you and dilla are around to belanje aaa..I want makan besar2 and grand2 punya tau...:)