Saturday, December 27, 2008

Snap.. snap! = Shorter Hair :P

At last! Had my hair cut shorter today and of course my head felt lighter too :)
I had curled my hair few months ago -- sort of like an experiment which I tried once in a while but in the end I found out that I still prefer to be straight hair :)
  • Wavy a.k.a full volume hair = more mature looking and sexy in a way you look at it. This hairstyle gives your hair some texture especially when you let go of it
  • Straight a.k.a plain = easier to manage and of course younger looking. I felt absolute free-spirit having a straight hair
The hairdresser was good (a friend of my mom) but one thing that disgust me was that the heat used by her on my hair was unacceptable! I can see my hair producing smoke! Ouch! And it's burning my skin too when I had stopped her and ask her to lower the heat.. Thank God the hairdryer's heat level can be adjust (the modern version of the old one.. hahahah :P)

Going to continue painting the staircases later -- the steel beam this time. Later in the evening will be the house gate's turn again. It looks so nice in the Citrus Yellow color. Dont worry as I will post on some new photo of the gate soon.. haha...

As usual, my cat will be guarding me doing my painting job again.. argh.. as if this house is his! Hahaha...

Shin :P

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